
British Columbia

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Melissa Salfi

Senior Legal Coach, Mediator, Collaborative Lawyer

Melissa Salfiā€™s practice is devoted to family law and fertility law. She is a certified legal coach who is committed to helping clients through significant life transitions with a warm, compassionate, and practical approach.
Melissa is an accredited Family Law Mediator and a certified Collaborative Divorce Lawyer. She has a background in psychology and has a strong desire to empower her clients during challenging times. While she has significant litigation experience, she is dedicated to resolving family law matters outside of court whenever possible and offers affordable mediation services.
Melissa holds a strong academic background, graduating summa cum laude from her Honours B.A., and thereafter receiving a Juris Doctor degree from the top ranked University of Toronto Faculty of Law. Melissa articled at a leading national law firm in Toronto and was called to the Ontario Bar in 2011. In Ontario, Melissa regularly represented family law clients at the Superior Court of Justice and served as Duty Counsel.  In 2017, Melissa also qualified as a lawyer in Australia and worked in the media industry on high profile negotiations between major newspaper  publications and complainants. After relocating to Vancouver, Melissa transferred to the BC Bar in March 2019. She has a track record of successfully advocating for family law and fertility clients in British Columbia.
Melissa is a member of the International Association of Collaborative Professionals and Collaborative Divorce Vancouver. She has completed training in international dispute resolution in the Netherlands, and has experience working on international family law matters, including cases involving the application of the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction.
In addition to family law services, Melissa practices in fertility law and is passionate about helping individuals and couples build their families. 

Outside of the office, Melissa enjoys yoga and travelling with her family. She has lived in five countries and is interested in learning new languages and about other cultures. Melissa is fluent in Swedish and has intermediate proficiency in Spanish and Hebrew.