How to Use Evidence in a Legal Matter

How to Use Evidence in a Legal Matter

In any legal matter, your role as a self-represented litigant is to present information to a judge that will help prove or disprove the facts of your case.

How to get a Protection Order in Alberta

How to get a Protection Order in Alberta

There is not one way to define family violence, and family violence is not always obvious to observers (even those trained to look for it), as it can sometimes take the form of coercive control.

What is Docket Court and How Does it Work?

What is Docket Court and How Does it Work?

When you think of the emergency room at any major metropolitan hospital, the first thing that comes to mind is the sheer number of people who are standing around, waiting to be called upon and triaged by a nurse who will ultimately hear you out and then put you in another queue.

Dispute Resolution Officer / Child Support Resolution Program

Dispute Resolution Officer / Child Support Resolution Program

If you are filing an application for child support at the Court of Queen’s Bench in either Edmonton or Calgary, you are required to book a meeting with a Dispute Resolution Officer (DRO) in Calgary or a Child Support Resolution (CSR) Officer in Edmonton, but what does that involve?

Why are Divorce Lawyers so Expensive?

Why are Divorce Lawyers so Expensive?

Lawyers provide a valuable service to their clients, but legal services are not cheap. Legal bills can be challenging for many families to afford, particularly when engaged in ongoing and high-conflict family law litigation.

What is Arbitration and How Does it Work?

What is Arbitration and How Does it Work?

Arbitration is a good alternative dispute resolution option for family law conflicts as it is generally more cost effective than Court and there is more flexibility over the process. But what is arbitration, and how does it work?

A Guide on How to Write an Affidavit

A Guide on How to Write an Affidavit

An affidavit is a document that outlines your statement of facts and supports your evidence. It basically tells your story in relation to the family law matter that you would want a judge to know about.

What is Mediation?

What is Mediation?

In the context of family law, mediation is a process where parties come together with a neutral third-party (the mediator) to share and discuss identified issues regarding divorce, separation, or other family law matters in hopes of resolving those issues by way of a mutual agreement.

What is a Family Justice Counsellor?

What is a Family Justice Counsellor?

Family Justice Counsellors are trained professionals and accredited mediators who help families resolve various issues related to their family law matter.

How To Do Your Own Divorce

How To Do Your Own Divorce

What does it mean to get a desk order divorce? Well, it means that you are applying for a simple, uncontested divorce where you and your ex-spouse have agreed on all your separation issues and all that’s left is the divorce itself.

What is Access to Justice and How Do I Get it?

What is Access to Justice and How Do I Get it?

Access to justice is a concept that many people have heard of but for some reason many neglect. It is about having access to processes, institutions, and laws in order to pursue one’s rights and interests.