Viewing articles categorized as "Divorce"

When Equal Isn't Fair: Section 95 of the BC Family Law Act

When Equal Isn't Fair: Section 95 of the BC Family Law Act

One of the biggest concerns many people have when they separate is dividing family property and debts. It can be a difficult process, rightfully so, especially when trying to figure out who gets to keep the house or other significant assets that are emotionally tied to your family.

Understanding Conduct Orders in BC Family Law Disputes

Understanding Conduct Orders in BC Family Law Disputes

Family law disputes often bring intense emotions and complex challenges. Sometimes, these disputes escalate to a level where meaningful conversations are no longer possible, leading the parties into relentless cycles of conflict.

What is Access to Justice and How Do I Get it?

What is Access to Justice and How Do I Get it?

Access to justice is a concept that many people have heard of but for some reason many neglect. It is about having access to processes, institutions, and laws in order to pursue one’s rights and interests.

Telling Evidence: The Facts about Hearsay

Telling Evidence: The Facts about Hearsay

As most people are aware, evidence is information presented to a judge that helps prove the facts of a case or disprove facts presented by the opposing side.

Share Home: The Division of Matrimonial Property

Share Home: The Division of Matrimonial Property

When it comes to divorce issues, they don’t get much bigger than division of property. However, some assets do not require equal division because they’re considered exempt.

Judge and Realtor: When a Forced Sale of Home Happens

Judge and Realtor: When a Forced Sale of Home Happens

Typically, one of the most contentious issues when property is being divided is who gets the family home. When disagreement occurs, an application to the Court often requires a forced sale.